Road Safety
About Road Safety
The Parish Council has access to funding from Section 106 Developer Contributions for improvements to highways, road safety and safer route to school, held by HCC Highways Department.
Published: 4 September 2023
The Parish Council has access to funding from Section 106 Developer Contributions for improvements to highways, road safety and safer route to school, held by HCC Highways Department.
Some traffic calming measures suggested by HCC – new Village ‘Gates and Dragons teeth’ – have already been installed.
Residents often raise concerns over speeding vehicles and HGVs on the A343 and subsequent road safety. More details about the Village Speedwatch Group and measures being taken to reduce the number of HGVs travelling through the Village can be found on the Speed Watch page.
We are very interested in anyone who would like to actively support the Parish Council in pursuing measures that will reduce speed of vehicles through the village and the number of HGVs. If this is something you would like to be part of please contact Neil Hedger,
Our next big project will be to ‘green the village’ to change the view of one travelling along an A road, to one of travelling through a village.