Churchyard Working Party/Church Cleaning
Information on Churchyard Working Party/Church Cleaning In Hurstbourne Tarrant
We normally work on the 3rd Saturday each month to work on the paths, hedges and around all the headstones (weeding, trimming, pruning and lots of strimming). We also tackle extra projects as and when we are able to muster the support needed. With booked weddings and other planned village events (Hurstbourne 5 Run, Village Show) we vary the dates slightly but the following work dates have been earmarked for this year:
The mowing party for the area to the rear of the church also meets on these days and, additionally, on a further Saturday in between each of the above dates as notified by email by Nick Willis.
We gather around 0900 and work for a couple of hours, with a break for coffee and a natter! We have some tools in the shed but have to rely on volunteers bringing their own equipment (particularly larger mowers, flymo, strimmers, pruners and rakes). Obviously the more help we can get the easier it becomes – so, please, put these dates in your diaries and encourage others, particularly newcomers, to join us.
Working Party Co-ordinators:
Paul Symes Nick Willis
Tel: 01264-736510 Tel: 01264-736735
Mob: 07710-230972 Mob: 07785-395113
Email: Email:
As usual, polish etc will be provide and a cup of coffee at about 10.30am. All welcome.
Further details from Viv South 01264 735287 or email: