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Clear Water for Wildlife

Information on Clear Water for Wildlife in Hurstbourne Tarrant

Clean Water for Wildlife was a citizen science survey that aimed to raise awareness of the true extent of nutrient pollution, and identify clean water habitats in England and Wales, where wildlife can thrive and to reveal the extent of nutrient pollution impacting freshwater life today.  

For more details on Clear Water for Wildlife follow the link: 

In April we will be analysing Nitrate and Phosphate levels in The Bourne as part of the National ‘Clean Water for Wildlife’ survey by The Freshwater Habitats Trust

Hurstbourne Tarrant Parish Clear Water for Wildlife

Clean Water for Wildlife – First survey results for the River Swift available:

The results of water analysis from River Swift at Ibthorpe. Low Phosphates, but Nitrates are high – not surprising perhaps as crops are being fertilised and following recent rain? We will test monthly through to July to monitor any changes through the duration of this year’s flow.

Hurstbourne Tarrant Parish Clear Water for Wildlife

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