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Local Businesses

Information on Local Businesses in Hurstbourne Tarrant

  • Local Restaurants
  • Open
  • Florist
  • Local Directory

Business Directory Link

Do you operate a business or provide services in and around the parish of Hurstbourne Tarrant?

Would you like to have your business contact information added to our village website business directory?

Do you have any News items – Job vacancies – Offers – Events? – then let us know and we can publicise on our village website.

Individual village website users that elected to take up the ‘Alert‘ email facility will receive an automatic email informing them as each new News item, Job vacancies, Offer or Event as they are launched. 

The Village website is accessed typically by about 450 users every month.

Please contact the website editor:   Email   

A New Career For The Old Post Office And Stores In Hurstbourne Tarrant

The old post office building is the home of the Rural Business Hub where Caroline Reeves’ services include fully inclusive, pay as you go, shared work space for small businesses, homeworkers and start ups.  There is a combination of desks and workstations available to rent on a daily, weekly or monthly basis, a small meeting room and more relaxed areas for casual drop in use.

The Rural Business Hub runs workshops and training for small businesses and start ups and the building is available for hire outside of office hours to run craft workshops, training courses or regular meeting groups.  Support for start up and small to medium sized businesses. Company, personal, sole trader accounts and taxation, bookkeeping, VAT, payroll and training.



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