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Future HCC Services In Hampshire

Hampshire County Council has launched an important public consultation, inviting people to provide their views on the future of some local services in Hampshire, as part of steps by the local authority to help meet a £132 million budget shortfall by April 2025.

Published: 3 February 2024

Hampshire County Council has launched an important public consultation, inviting people to provide their views on the future of some local services in Hampshire, as part of steps by the local authority to help meet a £132 million budget shortfall by April 2025.
The Future Services Consultation is the next stage in the County Council’s plans to ensure it can focus support to the most vulnerable people in Hampshire in future – such as protecting children from harm, social care for older people, and supporting adults and children with disabilities and additional needs – while meeting its legal duty to deliver a balanced budget in 2025/26.
The consultation runs from 8th January to 11:59pm on 31st March 2024.
Covering various local services, the consultation sets out 13 detailed options to help lower costs in future, by doing things differently and moving towards providing only those services that the County Council is legally required to deliver. A large number of the 13 services being considered include areas that will impact on or be of interest to Local Councils including things such as Highways, Household Waste Recycling Centres, Countryside Parking and street lighting.
We would strongly encourage everyone to look at the details of the consultation (link below) and respond with their views.
Responses submitted through this consultation will be collated and used to shape final savings proposals that will be considered by the County Council’s individual Cabinet Councillors later this year.

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