Notice of Uncontested Elections – HBT Parish Council
On 4th May 2023, there will not be a vote for Hurstbourne Tarrant Parish Council, as there were no additional nominations submitted against the amount of seats. Therefore, your Parish Council will continue in the same format as it currently stands.
Published: 4 April 2023

On 4th May 2023, there will not be a vote for Hurstbourne Tarrant Parish Council, as there were no additional nominations submitted against the amount of seats. Therefore, your Parish Council will continue in the same format as it currently stands.
However, there is an additional nomination for the Ward Councillor. As you may be aware, Councillor Phil North has been our Borough Councillor for some years now, and is incredibly supportive of our Parish and our surrounding areas within the Bourne Valley Ward. Phil is also the Leader of Test Valley Borough Council. Phil is now in the pre-election period, formerly known as ‘purdah’, so is not able to do anything to win votes and hearts. Not only is he a ‘local lad’ and understands the logistics of rural communities, but he has vast knowledge of the area, geographically and dynamically. Please consider voting on 4th May to keep Phil as our Borough Councillor, who truly has our best interests in the Bourne Valley at heart. Back in 2019 I remember Phil quoting that local government was ‘about bins, not Brexit’ … this is something which rings true. This isn’t about his political affiliation. Local government is truly focussed on what is best for its communities, and I don’t think we fare badly under TVBC, when considering other borough and city councils in the surround.