Test Valley Borough Council seeks the Parish Council’s opinion on all planning applications within the Parish. The Parish Council can either support an application, object to an application, or make ‘no comment’, but the final decision is made by the Borough. The Parish Council’s comments are treated no differently to those of any other member of the public.
Permitted development rights allow householders to improve and extend their homes without the need to apply for planning permission where that would be out of proportion with the impact of works carried out. You can view the government publication online, regarding permitted development.
Councillor Jamie Williams holds the portfolio for planning matters. Please email him if you have any queries regarding applications within the Parish.
On behalf of the Parish Council, a working party wrote a Village Design Statement, which was adopted by Test Valley Borough Council as a Supplementary Planning Document on 7 April 2021, following a recommendation from the Council’s Cabinet on 10 March 2021. You can read the Village Design Statement online and also view the latest planning applications on Test Valley Borough Council’s website