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Ground Water Information & Flooding

The Floodwatch Working Group of the Parish Council monitors groundwater information at various points through the Parish and the published data from the borehole at Vernham Dean.

The Floodwatch Working Group of the Parish Council monitors groundwater information at various points through the Parish and the published data from the borehole at Vernham Dean, and from a private well in Stoke.

Since the village floods of 2014, there has only been one rising of the ‘River Dene’ from the Netherton valley, in 2020, which began to subside before there was any incursion into properties at the north end of the village .. just in time for the Covid lockdown and as we will remember, the start of some beautiful sunny and dry weather into the spring.

The summer of 2023 has experienced some high rainfall levels, although the late summer into September has meant that the published groundwater levels at Vernham Dean are falling (as of the start of September).


The EA publishes levels and warnings which are available here.

Faccombe Estate take regular readings from the Netherton well during the autumn & winter and the Parish Council is duly advised of the results.

Please contact the Clerk if you have any questions or concerns about groundwater flooding.  The Parish Council is supported by Test Valley Borough Council, which provides sandbags to help protect residents in the most vulnerable homes when the situation worsens, and more widespread if problems develop.  Flood mitigation work has been carried out on Dene Green. For future reference, you should read through the guidance below on what practical actions you can take to prepare if and when your home is at risk of ground water flooding.

The latest information from the Environment Agency on groundwater can be found here

You can also see the new data for rainfall and river levels here

You can sign up for flood alerts here

Groundwater levels for Hampshire & Sussex, and the latest briefings can be found here


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